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Spotlight on Service:

Case Aide
Refugee & Immigration Services (RIS)

How did you first begin volunteering with Refugee and Immigration Services (RIS)?
I first connected with RIS through my mentor at the University of Southern Maine. I’m currently studying Political Science (graduating in May!) and wanted a semester internship. I started coming in three times a week about a year ago. My internship has ended, but I still come in and volunteer once a week because I like it so much!

What do you do in your volunteer role?
My title is “Case Aide,” but I do a lot of different things at RIS. I do some interpreting (as I speak Somali and a little Arabic) and assist clients as needed. I’ve helped clients find housing, obtain Social Security cards, and even arranged airport pick-up for new arrivals. There’s no such thing as a typical day here, but that keeps it fun.

What do you enjoy most about your experience?
My favorite part is working directly with clients. I have to do a lot of paperwork, case notes and such, but I like when I am able to come downstairs and meet people from all over the world and hear about their experiences.

What have you learned from interning and volunteering here? Would you recommend the experience to others?
I’ve learned a lot from the clients we serve here, especially about what is going on around the world. As a political science major, I’m interested in international affairs and find it fascinating to hear from people who have seen things firsthand. For example, there’s a genocide occurring in Burma right now, and what you see in the news doesn’t tell enough. We’ve had a lot of Burmese new arrivals recently, and I’ve learned a lot about that situation just from meeting them.

I would definitely recommend volunteering with RIS. I’ve had a great experience and learned so much. I’ve already recommended it to a few people and one of my friends from school is starting her own internship here soon.

What do you hope to do in the future?
In the future I’d like to work with refugees through the United Nations Human Rights Council, or pursue a career with the United Nations in general. Interning and volunteering at RIS has given me some great experience in this field.

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